2022 Bond Project – Early Childhood Center
It’s official, the groundbreaking for the new Early Childhood Center (ECC) has commenced! If you drive by the north end of the elementary campus, you’ll notice the presence of security fencing, along with the sights and sounds of heavy equipment at work as construction crews prepare the building site for the future home of the ECEC! Over the last month, much progress has been made as crews have worked hard to clear and excavate the site in preparation for pouring the footings and foundation walls.

In preparation for the construction phase, orange stakes can be seen from the road where surveyors have marked the footprint of the new 17,555 square foot building.

As part of Design Package 2 of the 2022 Bond Projects, the new Early Childhood Education Center will allow space to expand the district’s preschool programs. Children attending these programs have a far better chance of entering kindergarten on track and ready to learn.
2022 Bond Project – High School Cafeteria Addition
With the drywall finished and all exterior and interior painting done, the cafeteria expansion project at Paw Paw High School is nearing the finish line.

The red paint makes a bold statement and is on point with the Red Wolves brand!
